Scientist on board invites you to develop citizen science at sea.

You spend many hours at sea, everything you see is important, observe, photograph and document everything that catches your attention and communicate it to the scientific community, your contribution is of great value. also collaborates with the organizers of several marking days. These events, along with the tagging campaigns, provide a lot of data to science. Participate in these events and campaigns as Scientific Angler, in the EVENTS section you will find more information.

We propose you to participate in the elaboration of collaborative bathymetries. The platforms are diverse, depending on the manufacturer of your echo sounder, which currently offer the possibility of participating and sharing these bathymetries. They are good tools to know and understand our marine environment.

Always declare your catches on the available scientific platforms. These platforms collect information on modalities, catches, fishing zones and other data of great interest that allow to monitor the activity and perform better management.

Observers of the sea

FISHES (Study of marine recreational fishing in Spain)

Foundation for the recovery and conservation of marine animals - CRAM

Mediterranean Marine Regeneration - Save the Med

SEO Birdlife - Sociedad Española de Ornitología